Who should Park your Car: The Automated Vehicle or the Smart Parking Garage?

Discover automated valet parking at Hamburg’s iconic Elbphilharmonie concert hall. In the future, customers can exit their car in front of the Elbphilharmonie parking garage and the vehicle subsequently proceeds to search for a parking space completely autonomously.
The automated valet parking is presented in two areas within the Elbphilharmonie. In the first area, the highly intelligent vehicle searches for a parking space completely independently without external assistance. In the second area, a regular vehicle is remotely controlled by the smart infrastructure in the parking garage using cameras installed throughout the building.
The Elbphilharmonie is thus the first parking garage in the world in which these two types of intelligence are presented simultaneously and accessible to the general public.

The demonstration is part of the SynCoPark project (www.syncopark.de), which was funded by the BMVI.
Project partners: NFF / TU Braunschweig, APCOA Parking, EDAG / trive.me, Goldbeck, NavCert and Pretherm with further cooperation with Kopernikus Automotive.

City Center

NFF / TU Braunschweig

TOPIC 1 – Automated & Connected Driving